
Responsible Gambling

Gambling is a negative challenge that extends to all fields of human activity and human life. The player, who has a gambling addiction, is wholly focused on it and does not look at its social, emotional, and financial position.

Nevertheless, if the concern to the game is considered, it is possible to avoid a gambling problem. RedStar offers the following features to monitor the game:

  • underage persons (under 18 years old) are forbidden to play on our site.
  • player can establish their limits on the number of deposits - for this, write a request to support@redstarpoker.eu
  • players can set a self-exclusion on their accounts from 1 day up to 6 months, or indefinite. During the self-exclusion periods, players won't be able to use their account, and only after the self-exclusion has expired they can reaccess the casino game. Self-exclusion option is available on casino limits page.

There is a variety of signs that may indicate a gambling problem. Below some of the primary signals are listed:

  • Constantly thinking or talking about gambling
  • Spending more time or money on gambling than you can afford
  • Finding it challenging to control, stop, or cut down gambling or feeling irritable when trying to do so
  • Feeling a sense of emptiness or loss when not gambling
  • Gambling more to win back losses or get out of financial trouble
  • Thinking that your gambling will get under control as soon you have a 'big win.'
  • Borrowing money, selling things, committing (or considering committing) criminal acts to get money for gambling
  • Having increased debt, unpaid bills, or other financial troubles because of your gambling
  • Often gambling until all of your money is gone
  • Needing to gamble with more significant amounts of money or for more extended periods to get the same feeling of excitement
  • Experiencing extreme highs from gambling wins and extreme lows from gambling losses
  • Gambling to escape personal problems or to relieve feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, or other negative emotions
  • Getting irritated more easily or having less patience when dealing with everyday activities
  • Feeling guilty about gambling or what happens while gambling
  • Getting criticized by others for your gambling
  • Having arguments with friends or family about money and gambling
  • Refusing to discuss gambling with others or lying to cover it up
  • Hiding bills, past due notices, winnings, or losses from your partner or family member
  • Gambling instead of attending family or other social functions
  • Neglecting family or household responsibilities because of gambling
  • Neglecting work or school because of gambling
  • Neglecting personal needs (e.g., for food, sleep, hygiene) because of gambling
  • Consistently or constantly planning holidays where gambling is available

The more signs you show, the greater the chance of a gambling problem is.

In the references below, you can find detailed information, where it is possible to receive professional help under the decision of a gambling problem, information about treatment centres, helpline numbers and Gamblers Anonymous.

Responsible Gambling Council
Gambling Addiction Help
Gam-Anon® International